News & Topics

Aug 22, 2011

Increased manufacturing capacity with a focus on global expansion
Expansion of overseas manufacturing facilities

ARKRAY, Inc. (Headquarters, Kyoto City, Nakagyoku), a manufacturer of clinical test and in vitro diagnostic devices, has, as of 22 August 2011, completed the construction of new manufacturing facilities in the Republic of the Philippines, with the goal of increasing manufacturing capacity in line with its global expansion efforts. This will allow the even more stable and speedy supply of products to the global in vitro diagnostic market.

Previous to this development, ARKRAY produced its in vitro medical devices in Japan for export overseas The company is already active in more than 80 countries worldwide and is focused on further global expansion. So to achieve this, ARKRAY has established its 6th facility with the added goal of supplying its products to its customers with greater stability and speed.

The new facility will begin operations in mid September 2011 and will approximately double the current manufacturing capacity of the company. ARKRAY is working to build a platform for supply of product to, not only Asia and the Middle East, but also to Europe and the United States. The facility is located in an area that will accommodate future expansion so facilities can grow gradually, in line with global market demand.

In addition, ARKRAY is continuing to research and develop products that meet the diverse needs of the market, and to build a manufacturing base that can supply high quality product faster.

The new manufacturing facility in the Philippines; ARKRAY Industry, Inc.

Information about the new factory

Commercial name

ARKRAY Industry, Inc.


Republic of the Philippines, Batangas Province, Saint Thomas

Date of completion

22 August 2011

Total area

Approx 20,000㎡


Production will begin with urine test strips.
Other items shall be added at a later date.

Saint Thomas, Batangas Province in the Republic of the Philippines is located approximately 50km south of the capital, Manila. It is comparatively close to both port and airports, being about a 50 minutes drive away from both, and is a developing industrial base for many Japanese companies and their manufacturing facilities.

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